Kothari hosts 30th Graduation Anniversary dinner. Former students in attendance included Ajay Korthari, Mike Griffin, Karungulam Parthasarathy, Ramachandra Diwakar and Mike Jobe
The first ever formal dinner meeting of past alumni was held at the home of Mr. Ajay Kothari who who is an M.S. graduate and the CEO of Astrox Corporation. Astrox has been performing advanced technical research contracts since 1987 and has developed a firm background in many areas of aerospace industry. Past achievements have included development of innovative design approaches for Hypersonic Air-breathing (RBCC) SSTO and TSTO vehicles, Trans-Atmospheric vehicles, Rocket engines and Rocket systems, and Hypersonic and Supersonic Missiles. Of particular mention are the fifteen years of experience in the development of inward turning inlet methodology and analysis for which Astrox Corporation holds a patent.
Mr. Kothari held a dinner event on June 30, 2007 which was attended by several dept. faculty and former students including faculty Jewel Barlow, Mark Lewis, Darryll Pines and Everett Jones. Former students in attendance included Ajay Korthari, Mike Griffin, Karungulam Parthasarathy, Ramachandra Diwakar and Mike Jobe.